General Notice
Institute of Quantity Surveyors, Sri Lanka (Incorporated by Act No. 20 of 2007)
Notice to Corporate Members
Dear Corporate Members,
Nominations for Executive Members of the Council 2022/2023
The Annual General Meeting of the Institute of Quantity Surveyors, Sri Lanka (IQSSL) will be held on 2nd September 2022.
In terms of the Rules of the Institute, any Corporate Member may be nominated in writing, at least by two other corporate members of the Institute to stand for election as an Executive Member of the Council. Such nominations should be accompanied with the consent in writing of the proposed member for election and shall be sent by registered post to be received by the Institute on or before 15th June 2022. Each nominee shall be a member residing in Sri Lanka and be a citizen of Sri Lanka and shall have at least two (02) years of active membership in a Board or Committee of the IQSSL. The two (02) years need not be consecutive.
Nomination forms can be obtained from IQSSL Secretariat or can be downloaded from here:
Form Download
Hony. Secretary,
Institute of Quantity Surveyors, Sri Lanka.
The Professional Centre, No. 275/75, 2nd Floor,
Prof. Stanley Wijesundara Mawatha, Off Bauddhaloka Mawatha,
Colombo 07. Tel 0112595570/0774441221 Fax: 0112595570