Purpose of ATC
ATC of the IQSSL shall normally be held in the month May and November of each year for the purpose of elevating Probationary members to Registered membership category. The Probationary members of IQSSL who have qualified themselves to sit for ATC are eligible to apply to sit for ATC on paying the prescribed registration fee determined by the IQSSL council.
On successful completion of all components of the ATC, Probationary members shall elevate themselves to Registered membership category of Institute of Quantity Surveyors Sri Lanka on submitting a duly filled membership upgrade form and the paying the prescribed membership fees. Probationary members who fail in any component of the ATC shall remain in the Probationary Membership Category and shall re-sitall the components of ATC in a future attempt.
Components of the ATC
ATC of the IQSSL shall have the following components:
- Measurement of works: Civil Measurement: 3 hour Paper: outline areas include: Preparation of BOQ for Civil Engineering works; Writing Preambles and General notes, taking off quantities in accordance with CESMM–[Preliminaries, Demolition and Site clearance, Earth works, Concrete, Pipe work, Piles, Tunneling, Roads, and Structural Steel]. Candidates shall carry an unmarked copy of CESSM 4 into the examination hall.
- Measurement of works: Services Measurement :3 hour paper: outline areas include:Preparation of BOQ for Building Services Installations; Writing Preambles and General notes, taking off quantities in accordance with SLS 573 –[Preliminaries, Above Ground and Below Ground Drainage, Plumbing, Electrical and Air Conditioning Work, Communication and Telecommunication, Fire Protection and Detection and Security systems].Candidates shall carry an unmarked copy of SLS 573:1999 into the examination hall.
- Project Planning and Control: 3 hour paper: outline areas include: Project planning techniques, cash flow forecasting and monitoring, site layout planning, material management, plant management, human resource management, Quality Management, Progress monitoring, factors influencing development.
- Construction Economics: 3 hour paper: outline areas include: Development appraisal and feasibility studies, cost benefit analysis, life cycle costing, risk analysis and value management.
- Contract Management: 3 hour paper: outline areas include: Contract administration, interim valuations, variations, fluctuations, Extra work, construction claims and Final Accounts.
- Project Study: The candidates are required to submit a report on a set topic demonstrating the ability pursue an in-depth study in a critical manner while exercising the ability to manage work effectively. The aim is to encourage the applicant to read widely in the set subject area and demonstrate the ability to come up with alternative solutions. The report shall have a maximum word limit of 2500 and shall include a 15 minutes power point presentation.
20 Minutes viva-voce based on the employment record. : The viva-voce would be based on the work experience of each candidate targeting the core competencies and skills required of a practicing Quantity Surveyor.
The pass mark for each component of ATC and the viva-voce shall be 50 % and each component shall have the following grading criteria.
Benchmark % | Grade | Description |
85 and above | A+ | Excellent |
70 to 84 | A | Very Good |
60 to 69 | B | Good |
50 to 59 | C | Pass |
49 and below | F | Fail |
The candidates who register for a particular ATC shall sit all components of the ATC and the viva-voce in the same sitting and complete the ATC and the viva-voce. There shall be no partial refund or full refund of the ATC registration fees for the candidates absent for whole ATC or any components of it.
The registration fee for ATC shall be Rs. 15,000.00 The council of IQSSL shall reserve the right to determine the registration fee from time to time.
Last Updated: 15 December 2016