IQSSL hereby wishes to Call for Applications for the Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) for March 2022 session. The APC registration will commence on 15th January 2022 and will close on 5th February 2022.
The candidates who are working abroad are eligible to sit for the APC through online mode and the candidates who are working in Sri Lanka shall sit for the APC through the regular physical mode. (This however may change based on the health guidelines imposed by the Government of Sri Lanka).
Eligible candidates shall submit duly filled applications either to the IQSSL Secretariat at the OPA Building or via e-mail to , before 3:00 p.m. on the 5th of February 2022. Please refer below schedule for more details. All the necessary forms are available to be downloaded from
Registration fees (for the APC application and Charter Classes) can be deposited to the following bank account and the remittance slips shall be attached to the registration form.
Name of Account: Institute of Quantity Surveyors Sri Lanka Account Number: 1208409001 Bank Name and Branch: Commercial Bank - Borella Currency Type: LKR
For any further clarifications, please e-mail to or contact Harshani on 0774441221.